Welcome: Mputek (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd
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MPUTEK, aims to provide our customers with simple, one-button, multispectral imaging solutions.

You may have questions about our products and their many uses, so please feel free to contact us at any time below.

Maputek (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. Lan

Tel: 0591-83517896

Mobile: 13358250301

Email: sales@mputek.com

Address: 4th Floor, Building 43, Area C, Software Park, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

MPUTEK \mapu'tker\ : A person who investigates the environment

We specialize in compact monitoring equipment for remote sensing and similar industries. Our line of multispectral cameras allows users of any budget to track their assets and resource items, detecting issues faster than traditional RGB color cameras.

The MPUTEK brand was launched in 2015 to meet the growing demand for compact multispectral image sensors. With years of experience supplying cameras for aerial platforms and research to the remote sensing industry, we have launched several iterations of our affordable camera range.

In 2016 we introduced the Calibrated Ground Target, the first affordable high quality reflectivity target on the market. The target provides calibrated reflectance values for the captured media, a rarity in the "converted RGB" camera market.

The Survey3 series of multispectral cameras was released in 2017, adding a number of advantages over previous Survey camera models, with more lens and filter options, and automatic geotagging. With the new three-band multispectral filter, now available, customers can capture more spectral data than ever before with a single sensor camera.


While the Survey camera line targets the consumer miniature camera market, our more advanced industrial customers demand many features. After extensive research and hearing from our closest partners, we set out to develop Kernel, the first truly modular miniature camera system that can be adapted to the often ambitious and unique projects of our customers. Kernel1 started shipping in 2017 and has been well received by researchers around the world.

While the original Kernel1 system accomplished some of the original project goals, we still felt there were better solutions for the modular design and communication capabilities. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the high level of complexity of the new design (essentially as complex as today's high-end smartphones), Kernel2 development took much longer than expected. Ethernet (TCP) was introduced to provide the primary communication network inside and outside the array, and module connections were improved with standardized connections and dimensions to more easily support future introduction of array modules.


As with many areas of technological advancement today, analytics software is often a core product of precision agriculture (Ag-Tech) companies. The problem with this approach is that the software is only as good as the data it feeds in, so MAPIR learned years ago that without the best sensor input, the software will never see the whole picture. That's why we spend so much time focusing on our proprietary camera detection hardware.

MPUTEK continues to work with our market-leading partners in the remote sensing industry to provide compact yet powerful sensor solutions to our customers around the world.



Contact: Sam Lan

Phone: 13358250301

E-mail: sales@mputek.com


Add: 4th Floor,No.43,Section C,Software Park,Fuzhou,350003