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Connect to Advanced GPS Unit

The below video and step-by-step guide shows you how to connect and confirm GPS lock with the Advanced GPS receiver for Survey3 cameras.


Survey3: Connect to Advanced GPS Unit

The below video and step-by-step guide shows you how to connect 

and confirm GPS lock with the Advanced GPS receiver for Survey3 cameras.


Step-by-Step Tutorial:


 1. Connect the advanced GPS unit to the Survey3 camera. Turn on the camera.

2. GPS OK(red text) means GPS is looking for a signal


3. GPS GOOD (green text) means GPS is locked. You will also get 6 beeps here to confirm the lock.


4. Blinking blue light confirms GPS lock




Contact: Sam Lan

Phone: 13358250301

E-mail: sales@mputek.com


Add: 4th Floor,No.43,Section C,Software Park,Fuzhou,350003